"Everyone is starting to get ready to have me leave. haha It's distracting, so I am glad that we still have a lot of work and I don't have time to even think about being trunkie. The mission is having me start writing about my mission and my future goals. It's hard to think about what I want in life. I haven't thought about those things for the past two years and now it just feels weird. A lot of the members want to talk to me about marriage. Most of them tell me not to get married fast and that I'll be throwing away the best part of my life if I get married quickly. haha It's hard to know or decide what I am suppose to do after the mission. At the same time, I feel like after everything I have learned on the mission, I am probably more prepared than I think I am. I am on the path to eternal life. The spirit will help me to know what I should do. At least we have that promise, so I'm not too nervous. I guess I'm more sad than anxious. I wonder what the Lord has in store for me?"
"This week we really don't have much to report. We worked hard and have been teaching a lot of people. We have 5 people that could potentially be baptized before I leave, but at this point, I feel like only 2 for sure are going to be baptized. I've been so grateful and amazed by the converts here. They are active and faithful members of the branch. The other day I was watching them do their family history and I just had a peaceful comforting spirit come over me. It was incredible to see them be active members of the gospel. They all know how to fulfill their callings and they have their own testimonies. I am excited for Thursday. I'll be in the temple with a lot of my converts and all of their ancestors. I think that will truly be the last hurrah of my mission. I love them all so much!"
"Manuel asked me to participate in the circle when he received the priesthood. He's doing so well. I wish you could see how much this grandpa has changed. It's inspiring to me. Change is possible in all people. We also have been teaching a lot of younger kids. One girl is about Tori's age. She drinks, smokes, has piercings, and lives a loose lifestyle. She is popular because those things are cool here. It has been hard to teach her because how do you break someone away from a world that is constantly being shoved at them? I realize how lucky we are to have the gospel at a younger age. Utah is so sheltered compared to this place. There really is not a childhood here and it makes me sad."
"We had a special capacitation this week. I went to Maipu and saw a lot of my buddies again. Elder Rubert gave me a tie and had me sign a whole bunch of stuff. He is set on getting together after the mission. He is really funny. I saw some other missionaries that are going home and we are all freaking out! haha I'm glad I'm not doing this alone!"
"Yesterday we gave a blessing to a pregnant lady in the hospital. Priesthood blessings in an emergency room are intense! I think a lot of people look at us and think that Mormons are crazy, but we have the power of God, baby! So it's not so weird for those of us that know that."
"My testimony of the church has grown so much. I've been marking up those little scriptures, that you sent me, with all of my missionary scriptures. I'm going to use them after the mission. I know that I'll be able to have more opportunities to bring others to the knowledge of this absolutely incredible gospel. I have learned so much! I never would have been able to learn the things that I know if I didn't serve a mission. I wish that every young man would serve a mission and feel what I have felt. I don't want this happiness to end."
"Well I love you all very much. I'm so proud to be a missionary of this church. I'm so happy to have the gospel in my life and I am grateful for the family that I have. Thanks for everything. I'll be talking to you sooner than it feels. haha"
Elder Dallon Smith
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Bus ride to the Santiago Temple |